The first Moose Linda's ever seen.
Loveland Pass
After freezing my ass off thru Kenosha Pass and Park County I finally ran into some warmer weather. Well, in the 40's anyway...
I went back into the cold a few times as I went thru 5 mountain passes and crossed the continental divide 3 times before I made it to New Mexico.
From Southern Colorado to California I didn't take any pics because after leaving Farmington, NM about 75 miles into the ride the bike started sputtering. As I got into the Navajo Nation in Arizona it got worse as time went. After pulling off the road 40 miles from the nearest civilization to check the plugs and for spark and found both to be OK 15 bikes passed by with them lookig at me and waving while they film themselves with camera mounts on their bikes! Well fuck you too assholes! here I am in the middle of the desert with a shitty running bike, off the side of the road with my hazard flashers on without them even so much as to see if I was OK or if I had any water. So I fired the bike back up and got back on the road. This time it was only firing on the front cylinder knowing it's all electronic. God, I wished I had my sporty chopper. I made the last 120 miles on 1 cylinder to Flagstaff, AZ and spent the night at a Motel 6 across I-40 from Grand Canyon HD. In the morning they had the bike running in 20 minutes after remapping the ECU. I miss carbs!
After that was taken care of I rolled as fast as I could to Ridgecrest, CA. I fought a horrible headwind the whole day. Once I got to Barstow and turned North I fought a 40 mph sidewind gusting to 70 mph! My ass was wore the hell out after that.
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