A tale of a Boozefighter's former adventures in jackassery in The Land of the Moaning Clam and new adventures back in the Lone Star State and Beyond to the Desert wastes of the Stan's of the world back to the Land of the Moaning Clam and who knows where else to inculde By God Texas and the whatnot! And Shit!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bubba J at work.



Golden Gate in San Fran from 70,000 feet.
Happier than a pig in shit.

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NASA U-2 shots of a cape launch



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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Yeah, yeah, womerns' likes it.

Unknown Hinson, the king of country western troubadours.

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Kunsan part deux.



Fry me some hog, Womern!


Whop-de fuckin' doo.


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Shleppin' on down to Kunsan


Our brother in Kunsan, Paul and his wife Seung Hui


Sorry I'm late


Taking a break


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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tough old bird


This is Lee from Fukuoka, Japan. Another true hero. This dude rides an Ironhead chopper that he chopped 30 something years ago when he bought it new and still rides the piss out of it. Guys complian they can't handle a rigid their whole life well, Lee's 70 years old and rode rigids his whole life! Top that. I hope I can still put around on a rigid when I'm 70, if I make it that long.


Just bad assness incarnate...

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All too true...


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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ride to Yeonghungdo part 2


The head on an abandoned rock crusher barge.


Said barge in question.

Younghung-Do bridge

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Ride to Yeonghungdo


Braving the cold for some fish.


This korean I kept running into everywhere was riding a Sportster roadster


Doing the same as me, riding around and snappin' pic.


This land bridge comes out twice a day when the tide goes out.

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Adam Hawkins, true hero of bastard glory.



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I believe this is Lao for Bouachanh, Linda's first name, but the guys at Pumpkin Tattoo in Bangkok had no idea about Lao I had them put it in Thai on my arm. Later I'll go back and have an ornate design tattooed around it and make it look cooler.

Here is the tattoo on my arm in Thai. Linda's happy and I can't wait to get something to build around it.
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